PUSHS Institutional Review Committee

At Purbanchal University School of Health Sciences (PUSHS), our primary focus is on advancing research initiatives that drive innovation in both healthcare and education. To ensure the continuous enhancement of our research pursuits, we have established the PUSHS Institutional Review Committee (IRC).

Our Dedication to Research:

The IRC at PUSHS is deeply committed to cultivating a culture of research excellence within our institution. Our central mission revolves around:

  • Ensuring Research Quality: We rigorously assess and improve the quality and impact of research endeavors conducted not only at PUSHS but also by students from affiliated colleges of Purbanchal University’s Faculty of Medical & Allied Sciences, with a specific emphasis on their relevance to healthcare and education.
  • Fostering Research Innovation: We actively promote and facilitate innovative research methodologies, projects, and collaborations that expand the horizons of knowledge in healthcare and education.
  • Integrating Research into Academia: We collaborate closely with academic programs to seamlessly integrate research findings into our educational curricula, benefiting both students and the broader community.

Our Methodology:

The IRC conducts thorough evaluations of research projects, grants, publications, and partnerships within PUSHS. We work in close partnership with faculty members, researchers, and students to pinpoint areas for improvement and innovation in research practices.

Our Vision for Research Excellence:

The PUSHS Institutional Review Committee envisions PUSHS as a distinguished center for pioneering research in healthcare and education. Through our diligent oversight and unwavering commitment to research quality, we aspire to make significant contributions to advancing healthcare knowledge and practices.

As we move forward, the PUSHS IRC remains resolute in its mission to nurture a research-driven environment. Together, we strive to shape the future of healthcare and education through innovative research initiatives that benefit society as a whole.

List of IRC Committee’s members (New)-(From 2080-12-17 to 2083-12-16 BS)
1Nabin LamichhaneChairpersonlamichhanenabin@gmail.com9852027692
2Anil Kumar SahMemberanilsahnp@gmail.com9857037055
3Durga Devi ChaulagainMemberdurga.chaulagain.017@gmail.com9842037287
4Ashmita ShresthaMemberashmita.shrestha70@gmail.com9804025188
5Rita PradhanMemberritapradhan321@gmail.com9849668135
6Sushila AcharyaMembersacharya0121@gmail.com9842050195
7Raman Kumar BarmaMemberramanbarma1981@gmail.com9841578656
8Mandip BhattaraiMember (Non Affiliated)lackofmind69@gmail.com9852040241
9Sushil RegmiMember -Secretarysushilregmi85@gmail.com9845178411
Official Email of PUSHS IRC: pushsirc@pushs.edu.np

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