Dear Visitors,
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you at the website of Purbanchal University School of Health Sciences (PUSHS). Purbanchal University has always been committed to providing its student with the finest education and a supportive learning environment. Additionally, the university recognizes that our students must be well-prepared to be valuable members of a rapidly changing society where it desires responsible and participative citizens. In light of these demands, the university must be continuously improving academically and administratively. Therefore, the university has begun making major changes that directly impact and involve every aspect of the university so that we are in a position to attain the standards of prominent, world-class universities that will allow our students to excel and be successful for their future.
To complement these efforts for attaining world-class standards, the university has begun towards improving the quality of its student and administrative services. Purbanchal University is determined to create a foundation that will support the transformation of Examination System, innovation, receptiveness, and efficiency. The University will revise and shall continue to re-evaluate, its by-laws, policies, and procedures so the workforce is responsive and effective to its stakeholders.
The future, endeavors of Purbanchal University is to retain our position as a pioneer of higher education in Nepal, while maintaining societal values and long withstanding principles to meet International/ national and society’s expectations.
With best wishes
Prof. Dr. Biju Kumar Thapalia
Vice Chancellor, PU